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STRAVA subscription

Enjoy a whole year’s access to STRAVA for free when
you spend £150 or more on trail running gear.

Exclusively for XPLR Pass members.

Offer valid only on trail running gear.

Terms & conditions apply.

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Unlock a free STRAVA subscription

Enjoy a whole year’s access to STRAVA
for free when you spend £150 or more
on trail running gear.

Exclusively for XPLR Pass members.

Offer valid only on trail running gear.

Terms & conditions apply.

How it works


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Sign in to your XPLR Pass account.
Not a member?
Sign up now.

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Spend £150 or more on
trail running gear.

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Get your free
by email within 48 hours.

How it works

loyalty step

Sign in to your XPLR Pass account.
Not a member?
Sign up now.

loyalty step

Spend £150 or more on
trail running gear.

loyalty step

Get your free
by email within 48 hours.

Membership Card

Explore the exclusive benefits

Early Access

Get early access to product drops before anyone else.

First purchase discount

Enjoy a 10% off discount on your first purchase over £100, online or in-store.

Free standard delivery

Get free standard delivery on all online orders.

Birthday discount

Enjoy a 20% off discount over £100 on your birthday, online or in store.

Member-only events

Get member-only access to official The North Face events.

Exclusive contests

Take part in our contests and stand a chance to win prizes.

Exclusive Access

Get access to exclusive products, not available for anyone else.

Meet The North Face athletes

Experience unique multi-sport activities with The North Face athletes.

The North Face

basecamp logo Basecamp

With XPLR Pass, members get privileged access to our exclusive Basecamp events in Chamonix, Cortina and Garmisch.

Throughout the year, these events are where explorers come together to exchange ideas, trade expedition stories and make plans for the next one.

Join Our Events


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